LiDAR Point Cloud from Sparse to Dense using GAN (2019/09)

  • I build a GAN model based on Pix2Pix to learn how to transform the point cloud projection image into a camera depth image.
  • With camera matrix and the static transform between LiDAR and camera, I can easily transform the coordinate from point cloud to image, and vise versa.
  • The code is available at my github repo:

  • SubT Challenge NCTU Introduction (2019/08)

  • The DARPA SubT Challenge is a competition which seeks novel approaches to autonomous rapidly map, navigate, and search artifacts in an unknown underground environments during time-sensitive combat operations.
  • Team NCTU represent Taiwan to go for this competition. This is also not only ours but also Taiwan's first team who participate in DARPA competition.
  • We got 7th place in this competition.

  • Marine Robot Tracking with Image and Point Cloud (2019/03)

  • Marine robot tracking and following with image and point cloud.
  • I use SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) and kalman filter to track the front robot, and use PID controller to follow the robot.
  • I use point cloud to track two marine robots by Point Cloud Library (PCL), and then visualize the trajectories on Rviz.

  • Multi-view CNN Point CLoud Classification (2019/01)

  • The goal is to classify point cloud data from LIDAR sensor, and I use Point Cloud Library and deep learning to implement.
  • This work is focus on using deep learning to classify 3D point cloud with 2D point cloud projection image.
  • I also use this method in RobotX 2018 real-world competition, and got a good performance.

  • Maritime Robotx Challenge (2018/12)

  • The challenge is about developing and using autonomous maritime systems on autonomous surface vehicle platforms and sensors held in December 2018 in Hawaii.
  • 3D perception leader, I am in charge of 3D LIDAR and depth camera perception, including detection and classification using deep neurual network.
  • We, team NCTU, got 5th place in RobotX competition, and this is also the first time that we participated in RobotX competition.
  • website / pdf

    NCTU self-driving robot (2018/06)

  • This project is to build a robot which can do self-navigate tast in campus with dynamic obstacle.
  • The robot has IMU, GPS, wheel odometry and a 16-bin LIDAR on it.
  • pdf

    3D Object Modeling (2018/01)

  • Nowadays, people are using 3D information more often to do their work than 2D visual information. As a result, I use PCL, ICP, iSAM and apriltags to build a 3D point cloud modeling system with only one depth RGB camera
  • pdf

    Multi-robot patrolling system (2017/12)

  • We realize that robot can help us with something routine and cycling, just like patrolling, which we should patrol lots of nodes again and again. As a result, I build a multi-robot patrolling system using ROS. It can apply to surveillance & security, and production line delivery.
  • pdf

    Duckietown @ NCTU, Autonomy Education and Research Platform (2017/09)

  • Teaching Assistant, Creative Software Project, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NCTU, Taiwan, 09/2017 – 01/2018.
  • website